
The Phyllis Alladin Collection

A collection of highly effective resources written and developed by the pioneer and visionary of the Learning Resource Centre Ltd.

All titles reflect the depth of knowledge of the deficiencies in reading and writing at the Primary and Secondary levels.

Phyllis Alladin's wealth of knowledge and experience acquired from her role as an English Teacher, a Remedial Reading Specialist and a Literacy Programme Designer provided an intimate undertsanding of the instructional and learning gaps inherent in developing Readers and Writers. Within this context, she was inspired to create this range of highly effective teaching and learning resources that contain local content.

They have been adopted in the mainstream education system as well as in specialised reading and speech therapy programmes, and have received oustanding reviews.

Her vision for reading and writing competency among our students can certainly be achieved through the use of these titles.


Remedial Reading Programme Level 1A

Remedial Reading Programme Level 1B

Remedial Reading Programme Level Two


Rememdial Reading Programme Level Three


Remedial Reading Programme Level Four


A Phonic Skills Handbook


Creative Writing Level One


Creative Writing Level Two


Writing Composition


A Writer's Directory